Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

Purchase contract

1 General

1.1 Legal responsible for the Service

The user who uses the online ticketing service is required to comply with all the general conditions contained in this regulation. It must therefore be read and approved in all its parts before proceeding with the purchase.

The service is provided by the non-profit social promotion association called “Irfoss A.p.s.”, with operational headquarters in Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 164 / b, 35123 Padua (PD), Italy, ID 92229270282 and P.I. 05171960288.

1.2 Definition of the service

The service has as its aim the online booking and pre-sale of tickets valid for access to the exhibitions of the main exhibition venues and the locations of the IMP Talents circuit, in addition to the events included in the service (talks and guided tours). Registration fees for workshops and entrances to film screenings are excluded from the service.

The online publication of these General Contract Conditions and the confirmation of the purchase order provided by Irfoss A.p.s. to the Consumer they are valid as “confirmation of the contract concluded on a durable medium” pursuant to art. 51, paragraph 7 of the Legislative Decree n. 206/2005 (“Consumer Code”).

2 Online ticketing and validity of tickets

All holders of entrance tickets must have a valid entrance ticket to access the venues of the event called “IMP FESTIVAL”. They are subject to the rules applicable to the Customer as disclosed in relation to the single Event or in any case applicable to the Customer or the Event.

The Admission Ticket must be purchased through the official channels of the IMP Festival Internazionale Photojournalism Padua. In the event that the Admission Pass has been purchased by the Customer from subjects other than those indicated above or if the Admission Pass has been lost, stolen, duplicated or obtained in contrast with these General Contract Conditions, the Holder of the Pass Entrance may not be authorized by the Event Organizer to access the Event Venue or may be forced to abandon it. Irfoss A.p.s. will not replace the access tickets to the selected events delivered to the user, in the event that these access tickets are lost, lost, damaged, damaged or destroyed or if they have been stolen.

The Admission Ticket cannot be sold by the Client for consideration nor can it be the subject of intermediation.

The Organizing Body may at any time cancel an Entrance Ticket, even if it has already been issued, or a purchase order already made, both for technical and / or organizational reasons and where problems arise with regard to the effective payment by the Customer of the Entrance Ticket.

Irfoss A.p.s. can not be considered responsible in any way for any changes in the program of events published through the website www.impfestival.com and, to this end, it is recommended to always and in any case check the scheduled events directly on the official website of the event.

3.1 Prices and types of admission tickets

The price of the Tickets is shown on the website www.impfestival.com in the section dedicated to the ticket office, and varies according to the possible categories of full (Standard; Pass Vip) or reduced tickets. The price of the Tickets, as well as any other price displayed on the Site, must be understood as inclusive of the applicable VAT.

The price for the STANDARD ticket is 15.00 euros. The ticket issued will be represented by a hypoallergenic pvc bracelet to be secured on the wrist. The removal of the bracelet is possible only through its breakage and its consequent invalidation. The title will have unlimited validity, also guaranteeing multiple accesses to the exhibition venues, until the bracelet is removed and, therefore, broken. The removal, damage or loss of the ticket will immediately interrupt its validity. The bracelet effectively replaces the admission ticket and cannot be sold to third parties, either for payment or free of charge. In the event of removal or damage, the admission ticket loses its validity and to access the exhibition sites again it will be necessary to purchase a new admission ticket.

The price for the pass called VIP PASS is € 25.00. Upon payment, you become the holder of a printed and laminated pass with your name, which will guarantee unlimited access to all exhibitions, conferences and guided tours. The VIP PASS is a purely nominative title, at the entrance of each exhibition venue the presentation of the VIP PASS and a valid identity document will be required to verify the actual correspondence between the name printed on the admission ticket and that shown on the document . Loss or illegibility of the Access Pass immediately interrupts its validity. The VIP PASS replaces the admission ticket in effect and cannot be transferred to third parties, either for payment or free of charge. The VIP PASS will give access to a 10% discount on all items of the BOOKSHOP IMP Festival.


Through the online purchase form the Client can specify whether he is the beneficiary of any reductions or discounts. The categories eligible for the REDUCED Entrance Ticket are UNIPD STUDENTS and HIGH SCHOOLS, DISABLED, Groups (MIN. 10 PEOPLE), IRFOSS MEMBERS, Spazi Fotografici MEMBERS, LA PAPESSA MEMBERS, FOTOIMAGE MEMBERS. The price for the REDUCED Ticket is set at € 13.00. What has already been specified on how to obtain and benefits regarding the STANDARD ticket is also to be applied to the REDUCED Ticket.

During the purchase it is possible to specify whether the customer is eligible for the FREE admission ticket. The categories that can have access to this title are CHILDREN UNDER 13, Caregivers for Disabled AND JOURNALISTS. In the case of online purchase, the necessary qualifications to verify the veracity of the status indicated for obtaining the FREE access title will be physically requested at the ticket offices. 

4.1 Privacy 

Responsible for collecting and processing of personal data is Irfoss A.p.s. The data collected during the purchase or online booking will not be used or stored for commercial purposes and will not be shared in any way with third parties. The personal data requested varies from the name, necessary to name the nominative access title, to the access characteristics to the REDUCED or FREE categories, as above. For any other specification on the processing of personal data, please refer to the PRIVACY section of this site.

5.1 Valid channels and payment methods

The fees can be paid exclusively through Paypal, credit cards belonging to the VISA, VISA ELECTRON, AMERICAN EXPRESS and MASTERCARD circuits, through the Mollie payment system for online transactions.

Irfoss A.p.s. reserves the right to apply, for security reasons or at the discretion of the Event Organizer, limitations and exclusions to the payment instruments that can be used by the Customer for the payment of the Tickets purchased.

Payment is made through a virtual counter in secure mode with irreversible 128-bit encryption.

By means of this method, the transaction takes place exclusively in the banking sector and the entity Irfoss A.p.s. has no access to the buyer’s credit card data in any way.

6.1 Physical collection of tickets purchased or booked online 

The tickets purchased must be collected directly from one of the two ticket offices of the event, showing the receipt sent by e-mail in which they appear: the booking identification code, the name of the buyer and the type of tickets purchased.

The physical event ticket offices will be active from Tuesday to Sunday (included), from 10.00 to 19.00. There are two ticket offices at the following addresses: 1) Galleria Cavour, Piazza Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour 1, 35122 Padua (PD); 2) Ex Macello Cathedral, Via Alvise Cornaro 1, 35128 Padua (PD).

Any additional documents proving the actual belonging to the categories with access to REDUCED or FREE tickets must be presented when collecting the physical ticket at the ticket office, under penalty of suspension or cancellation of the ticket itself.

The service reserves the right to cancel bookings that are incomplete, unpaid, or in the absence of a valid payment receipt. 

7.1 Right of withdrawal 

Pursuant to art. 55, paragraph 1 letter. b, of the Legislative Decree 6 October 2005 n. 206 to transactions carried out for the purchase of online access tickets, the exercise of the right of withdrawal is not applicable, referred to in Articles 64 and ss. of the same Consumer Code. After making the transaction, it is therefore not possible to cancel the purchase, modify it and / or have the nominal price refunded. 

8.1 Acceptance of online purchase conditions 

By accepting these general conditions of supply of the Service and with the successful conclusion of the Shopping Cart process and the making of the related payments by the user, the user expressly acknowledges, agrees and accepts all the conditions of sale. 

9.1 Special and Additional Cases 

Even in the event that any of the rules referred to in these General Contract Conditions are inapplicable, the others will continue to have full effect.

These General Contract Conditions and the warnings on the Admission Pass constitute the entire contractual agreement between the Customer and Irfoss A.p.s.

In the event of a conflict between the provisions of these General Contract Conditions, as published in Italian, and the corresponding text published by Irfoss A.p.s. in English, as well as in the event of a conflict with the Italian version and the English version of any other content of the Agreement, the Italian language version shall be considered prevailing. 

10.1 Jurisdiction 

In all other cases in which the user of the Irfoss A.p.s. online purchase service are not a consumer, any dispute relating to the validity, interpretation, execution and / or resolution of legally relevant acts related to the use of the Service will be the exclusive competence of the Court of Padua. 

This sales contract was published on April 10th, 2022.