Location: Serbia

The traveler arriving at Vlasina finds themselves facing a place suspended in time, where houses are still under construction, plaster halfway done, windows without glass, and roofs yet to be completed. However, this is not an abandoned village but a destination that comes to life only during the summer months when inhabitants flock to Vlasina to enjoy the lake and the dreamlike atmosphere that surrounds it.
Here, dilapidated houses alternate with small hotels that also seem frozen in a sort of summer limbo. Days pass slowly, with walks along the lake shores, refreshing swims, and glasses of rakija. The lake itself holds a gateway to unknown worlds. At times, a peat island emerges on the shores, captivating those who approach and urging them to embark on a journey to unveil its unpredictable mysteries.
Thus Vlasina, like an invisible city, reveals itself only to those fortunate enough to seek it at the right moment, and once found, it lives on in the memory of a distant mirage.



Maria Francesca Lui, from Mantua, holds a degree in Building Engineering and Architecture from the University of Padua, where she is currently completing a PhD in Architecture. In 2020, she attended the Master’s program in Architectural Photography in Bologna. Always interested in social issues, she uses photography to investigate the relationship between humans and the built environment.

Marco Lumini, from Vicenza, holds a degree in Building Engineering and Architecture from Padua. He studied photography in Madrid, Padua, and Lisbon. His photographic research, always linked to architecture, focuses on the changes and contradictions of cities and landscapes.

Both participate in the G124 working group led by Architect Renzo Piano, and since 2020 they have begun collaborating on personal and commissioned projects in the field of architectural photography.


 Matteo Natalucci è nato a Osimo (AN) nel 1993.
 Nel 2014 si iscrive al master triennale presso la Scuola Romana di Fotografia e Cinema. Nel 2017 svolge un tirocinio di sei mesi presso lo studio Paolo Pellegrin a Roma; nello stesso anno inizia a lavorare come assistente per il fotografo di architettura Andrea Jemolo.
 Nel 2020 realizza ed espone “Sentinelle” una serie di ritratti sui cacciatori di Montefano (MC) per il Premio Arturo Ghergo.
Nel 2021 viene pubblicato il volume “Osimo tra le mura. Gli edifici storici della città” di cui la campagna fotografica gli è stata commissionata dal Rotary Club.


Via San Martino e Solferino 106

da LUN a SAB

