Nerosogno – Chiara Scardozzi

Nerosogno – Chiara Scardozzi

Chiara Scardozzi “Nerosogno” Location: ITALIA Nerosogno is a visual research that explores the dark legacy of petrochemical industrialization in southeastern Sicily (Italy). Starting from the second half of the twentieth century, the territories have been...
Hotel Purgatorio – Francesca Scelfo

Hotel Purgatorio – Francesca Scelfo

Francesca Scelfo “Hotel Purgatorio” Location: ITALIA Trying to analyze the problem of housing emergency, especially about occupations, this project wants to explore the contradiction between families’ isolation, including their aim to reorganize and...
Acquaitance – Max Cavallari

Acquaitance – Max Cavallari

MAX CAVALLARI “ACQUAINTANCE” Location: ITALY Acquaintance tells of the 40-day Search and Rescue of the ship Humanity 1 in the Mediterranean Sea. On October 3, 2022, from the port of Palermo, the NGO Sos Humanity starts its  mission in the Mediterranean...
Più unici che rari – Ilaria Marchione

Più unici che rari – Ilaria Marchione

ILARIA MARCHIONE “PIù UNICI CHE RARI “ Location: ITALY Nicolò is a ten-year-old boy suffering from Treacher Collins syndrome: it is one of the rarest genetic diseases that affects one individual out of 50,000 live births and involves mild or serious facial...
Jesus Chorou – Giacomo Longo

Jesus Chorou – Giacomo Longo

Giacomo Longo “Jesus Chorou” Location: BRASIL This photographic project was realized in the city of São Luís (Brazil), in one of FUNAC’s juvenile detention units. Since 1990, the formation and birth of the statute, has given way to a real change in...